Lady Gaga had to keep it buttoned up earlier this week while launching the Born This Way Foundation, her joint anti-bullying organization with Harvard University’s Graduate School of Education, so we completely understand why she felt the need to relax and unwind today in just a bra top. In New York. In the dead of winter. With her shirt unbuttoned to her waist. Sure, it is seriously arctic in Manhattan right now, but whatever makes you happy, Gags! You deserve it! You also deserve to immediately return to your apartment and stand in front of a radiator before your glorious breasticles freeze and crack off, but that’s just our opinion!
Joined by her mother Cynthia Germanotta and speaker Oprah, the mother of us all, at Wednesday’s kick-off event, Lady Gaga not only spoke about her own experience with bullying, but also donated $1.2 million of her own dough to the non-profit. So we say treat yo’ self, girl! If anyone can go from professional track to prominent rack in 36 hours, it’s you. Just don’t take it the wrong way when we start a foundation to educate kids about the importance of wearing a jacket. If we don’t tell them, where will they learn? On the Internet? In the streets?
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